21 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 20

Yoga (c)Melanie Parish, 2013

(c)Melanie Parish, 2013

We have a big family excursion to Stratford Chef School today to experience my daughter’s first Stratford Chef School lunch.   I have prepped everyone that we will leave very shortly after my return from yoga.  It feels like I am taking a lot of time for me with yoga.  I am not used to having so many activities just for me.  It feels good and like I am prioritizing my health.  Going first thing in the morning means not having to disrupt anyone else’s day.  Also, it is hard to find distractions and conflicts at 6:30 am on weekdays or 8:00 am on weekends.  I am feeling successful at setting my practice for the early mornings and sticking to it.  I am usually up at 5 or 6 anyway so it really is a great time for me.

I enjoy my workout.  I am getting bendier.  There are many of the poses I am better at but I am still struggling somewhat with Child’s Pose.  It is hard for me to sit back on my knees.  I do notice that when I am tired and am pushing myself, it hurts more to be on my knees.  When I am rested and “fresh”–usually from an hour of Shavasana the previous day, my knees hurt less and I can do more on my knees.

I take my towel “donut” every day and use it if I go down on one knee.  It works.  I am also starting to try to push back and sit further back in child’s pose, stretching out my knee.  I have a sense I will eventually be able to sit back on my knees again.  It will be a long, slow process, I imagine.

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