Brave Yoga in the Morning

Yoga (c)MelanieParish, 2013

(c)Melanie Parish, 2013

I have fallen off the yoga wagon this last couple of months.  After almost daily yoga and a 30 day challenge in May, I went to some yoga in June and very little in July.  I am nursing a shoulder injury that aches fairly often and it has given me the excuse I needed to not practice yoga regularly.  This morning I looked at the clock at 6am and realized if I hurried a little, I could make it to yoga.  Ironically, it was the pain in my shoulder that woke me up about 5am.  I went to a Moksha class and decided I would try not doing the postures that might inflame my shoulder.  I had a fabulous work-out and I realize how much I have been missing the breathing at yoga.  It keeps me so aware of my breath all day.

I really liked when I was doing daily yoga and I never had to think about whether I was doing enough exercise.  It was handled.  I have been missing that.  I know historically I am not good at maintaining an exercise program so I need strong boundaries or rules.

I was just thinking about what worked today that hasn’t worked other days.  I realized it takes a certain amount of bravery for me to do physical exercise.  It doesn’t always feel good to my body.  It is a slightly unpleasant sensation when I am doing it but afterward I feel fantastic.  It reminds me of one of the early days after Mel’s transition where he told me one of the big differences after testosterone is that exercise FEELS GOOD.  I remember being curious about that at the time and today made me think of it again.

That takes me to bravery.  So, I have always found that I am most compliant with a first-thing-in-the-morning exercise class.  If the day gets later, I have gathered more and more data and reasons why I shouldn’t go to work out.  I let myself off the hook.  It had never occurred to me that I need to be brave to exercise and I have the most bravery first thing in the morning.  When I think of it, I realize all the hard tasks seem easier first thing.   I always just thought I am a morning person–and I am.  I like the morning.  But this bravery thing is a little different.  It’s that if I want to accomplish something, I have courage early.

This gives me a re-commitment to early morning exercise.  I think it is the only thing that will work consistently over time for me.  I need to be brave to exercise so I will do it when I am brave.  Somehow this understanding makes me feel better, safer, more in control.  I think I can make a plan that works.

Now I am wondering what else I can get accomplished before lunch…

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