Rebellious Ones

Rebel (c)Melanie Parish 2013

(c)Melanie Parish 2013

Rebellious ones write poetry that doesn’t rhyme,

They ride dark horses through the land of joy and plenty.

They re-invent wheels, organize troops , and accomplish the impossible every day.

They are visionaries, rebels, convicts, actors, saints, thrill seekers, rabble-rousers, children, and circus performers.

At best they test the waters for good and expand the consciousness of nations and facilitate lasting change.

At worst they court evil, dance in darkness, cause harm, abuse substances, are opinionated and hateful, are self-righteous and are not righteous at all.

As a group they are spice to the bland food of human mediocrity, a private butchery against the tyranny of apathy, and the joyful part of the chorus.

They are both bad and good and everything in between.

The revolutionaries are heroes when their side wins.

The change of consciousness of a nation never occurs without someone being willing to challenge the status quo.

Traitors are martyrs from the other side of the war.


So, I wonder, can rebellion also be quiet?

I picture Gandhi and his robes and his quiet rebellion changing the consciousness of a nation.

I hope that I can learn to be a quiet rebel.

Not going to war but edging my way toward peace.

Knowing that a loving place awaits me when I rebel against anger and judgement and walk with acceptance and love.

I want to choose a quiet path, knowing I am by nature a heretic, a changer, a catalyst, and a powerful force for change in my circle.

I flaunt the rules and color outside the lines.

Sometimes I don’t even color on the page.

I want to help people see endless possibilities for light and love in their lives.

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