21 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 3

Yoga (c)Melanie Parish, 2013

(c)Melanie Parish, 2013

It is my third day of yoga.  I can’t do the 6:30 am class because it is silent yoga and I am sure I am not yet ready for that.  I still have no idea what I am doing or what the sequences are.  I am going to try a 2pm class and will go straight to get the boys afterward.  Not sure if I will have time to shower or not but am glad there is a class that works for me.

I get to Moksha  just before class.  “I am running,” I say, as I check in.

“You have lots of time,” the woman behind the counter says.

“Really?” I ask, surprised

“Seven minutes,” she replies.

I laugh at my own sense of hurry and how seven minutes can be a lot of time or a little.  I am ready for yoga.

The class is full.  I find a place by the door.  I again notice the space under my lower back as I lie down.  I focus on my breathing and after five minutes I feel totally connected to my mat, the floor, the earth.  I do more poses this time and am really enjoying how my body feels outside of yoga.  I am feeling more solid on my legs than I have in a long time.  I wore heels yesterday and felt really comfortable in them.  I am feeling my muscles but am not physically very tired.  Probably because I am mostly still lying on the floor trying to keep from overheating.

I am having a dialogue in my head wondering if I am fooling myself by thinking that I am going to yoga, doing a few poses and then lying around on the floor sweating and calling it exercise.  I am trying to still this voice and convince myself that if I want to lie on the floor, it is fine and if I come and continue to show up and  be present, I will be doing more and more.  Am I lazy? is the question I am grappling with in my head.  I am watching it and allowing it to be there, or not, while I allow my body and my breath to guide me in class.

I do love lying on the mat breathing best of all right now.  I have always said I don’t like meditating but I am enjoying lying on the mat and sinking into the floor.  I love the sense of peace that seems to be following me all day.  I feel less stressed and more capable in everything I do.

I have done 3 days straight of yoga and I feel proud and solid in my commitment.

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