21 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 10 – My Shavasana Didn’t Go So Well

Yoga Challenge (c)Melanie Parsh, 2013

Yoga Challenge
(c)Melanie Parsh, 2013

I get up early and make it to the 6:30am Silent Moksha class.  I have avoided this silent class because I felt like I really needed the teacher’s voice helping me do better yoga.  I realized yesterday that I know the poses well enough to get through this class.  I also have a medical test tomorrow and I am not supposed to exercise.  This has provided a fair bit of brain fodder.  Should I cancel the test?  Should I miss a day of yoga?  Neither seemed very satisfying as far as solutions go.  Somehow it all mostly comes together, though.  I am physically tired and this seems like a great day to lie in shavasana thus “doing yoga” and not physically exercising.  A silent class seems like a great way to lie on my mat in silence and breathe.

I get in the room.  The teacher is friendly and very upbeat for 6am.  I decide to try a few poses just to see how the yoga works.  I let her know I may be lying down most of the time so she doesn’t think I am not following or having  a physical issue.  I find it easy to follow the poses and I enjoy it.

Then I decide to lie on my mat.  I hadn’t realized that because it is a silent class the lights are on bright so people can really see the poses–makes sense but it was distracting for my shavasana.  I am also struggling with stilling my thoughts.  In the beginning it was so much easier.  I could just lie down and let things drift away.  I am struggling with thoughts of a client that are hard to let go, weird thoughts of challenges that aren’t real–literally battling imaginary monsters as I drift into a deep relaxed state.

I make it through the hour but somehow miss the illusive “inner peace.”  I am noticing my attachment to achieving this and decide this journey inside my head is completely okay, as is the journey of my body in this challenge.

Today I am just glad I made it to yoga and did another day on my mat.

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