21 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 15

Yoga Challenge (c)Melanie Parish, 2013

Yoga Challenge
(c)Melanie Parish, 2013

My  body is changing.  I am noticing that my skin is clearing.  I have had a little blemish under my eye for a while.  It came to the surface and went away.  I have always been a little stinky–especially if I drink coffee.  My body odor has gone away.  I didn’t wear deodorant yesterday and by the evening, there was no smell at all.

Today, our class was full of a bunch of McMaster University women’s rugby players.  Guess they decided to try yoga.  The class was packed full of youth and vigor.  It was kind of fun.

I made it through most of the class today.

Also, I decided to sign up for another 30 day yoga challenge.  So, this challenge will be followed by another 30 days.  They overlap a little, so it will actually be 48 days total.  Should be interesting.  I can only imagine how different my body will be after 48 days of yoga.


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