21 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6

Yoga Challenge (c)Melanie Parish, 2013

Yoga Challenge
(c)Melanie Parish, 2013

Today was the 6th day of my 21 days of yoga and my 5th class at Moksha Yoga.  It was a class that was mostly done on the mat.  I was super excited to get there and to lie on my mat and breathe.  It just felt so good to get there after missing yesterday.

There was more work in this class that required me to sit on my knees for an extended period of time.  It is interesting trying to find a position that isn’t going to hurt.  I was able to to some of it.  I am getting stronger and am noticing muscles I haven’t noticed before in a long time.

A friend was watching the boys for me and I felt so grateful for her being able to take them while I went to the class.  I really had to allow myself not to rush at the end.  I love lying there for a long time just breathing.  Is yoga addictive?  I am really loving it and can’t wait to go back tomorrow.

Day 6 was a great day!

1 Comment

  1. Curious /

    The short answer is yes, yoga is addictive. Call me if you need me to take the boys so you can go to yoga. If I can, I will.


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