What’s a Bookii Anyway?

George with Galfriday,  a burlesque stripper

George with Galfriday,
a burlesque stripper

I was hanging out with a crazy Brit named George when I first had the idea of the bookii.  I had been working on writing a book and was finding it incredibly 2 dimensional.  I wanted multiple topics and more visual than I could accomplish in print.  I wanted my reader to be able to explore my book rather than reading it one page after the other.  In a conversation with George we were talking about an online technology called Prezi that allows you to explore deeper and is a more flexible presentation platform than Power Point.  Somehow talking about that helped me start to visualize a dynamic memoir that had pictures and color and video and wasn’t bound by the boundaries of a printed book.  Prezi didn’t end up being the medium, but the concept stuck with me.

This is George drinking beer while doing a handstand...

This is George drinking beer while
doing a handstand…

What makes it a bookii?  Well, it is a book that you read electronically   It is written by one author and instead of purchasing a book, you purchase an annual subscription to a bookii.  My bookii is creative non-fiction–a lifestyle, but I hope there will be lots of bookiis that are both fiction and non-fiction combined.  I imagine being able to read my favorite authors and about their characters while simultaneously being able to look up what they were thinking about when they were writing about it or what their inspirations were by exploring their bookii.  The Crucible Bookii is my bookii.  It is the world’s very first bookii.  It is rich with interesting articles about the stories that make up my life.  I hope you will become a member and share this journey with me as I create this interactive real-time memoir.


Melanie shares how the bookii idea evolved

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