Screwing Up

IMG_20130130_154207 I hate the feeling when I screw up.  I like to be together, kind, thoughtful, organized, tidy etc—all the good words.  However it seems like when I go fast, I start to miss things.  I am much better able to be all the good words when I have time to think, time to plan and mental capacity for all the bits and pieces that make up my life.  I don’t like messing up.  But it happens.

It happens with my kids when I get cranky for no reason.  It happens with my husband when I forget to tell him about a meeting in the evening and I don’t come home when he expects me to, I am slow to have important conversations, and generally I start to feel like all the balls are dropping around me.  I don’t even have time to think about all the balls that are in the air because I am tidying up all the messes for the balls that are dropping.

For me, this is a sign that I am too busy.  I think about my list which looks something like this:

Do 28 day diet

Plan Europe trip

Book accommodations in Europe

Help my daughter problem-solve her school challenges

Help my daughter figure out how to get a Toronto Restaurant apprenticeship

Create curriculum for workshop in two weeks

Communicate with partners about the workshop

Coach clients

Communicate with people interested in coaching

Read client’s new book

Read other client’s new book

Think about hiring a personal trainer

Do client work–web development

Write daily for the Crucible as I committed to my coach

Wash dishes–dishwasher has been broken since September because of rats

Think about buying a new dishwasher when the Pest Control folks come back

Get ready for exchange student who may arrive any time

Read to my kids

Train my dog, or at a bare minimum, get her to the dog park for exercise.

Socialize with friends


As I write this list, it seems even more overwhelming.  It is a product of adding new parts to my life while keeping the old parts going.  And for some reason, our social calendars are fuller.  As our boys get older, we are being invited to more dinners and events.  It is fun and it is really busy.

Now I am thinking about what I need.  I need some quiet.  A day without phone or needs.  To be able to consider my own needs.


  1. Jennifer Davis /

    I resonate with this so completely.

  2. Kelly Knuckle /

    You have just written a truth and shameful secret that is mine as well. Thanks for sharing – it is helpful to know that someone else experiences this(especially someone who seems to be keeping it together as well as you do!)

  3. Lucinda /

    It is such a wonderful but hectic life, but such a balancing act. It makes me smile to read your thoughts. I love how you express this process in a way that has compassion and light heartedness. I miss you!

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