Some months ago I was at the store and a very well meaning clerk gave me a tip that changed my life–but it wasn’t for the better. She recommended a great product called Shiseido Facial Cotton. They are lovely, perfect cotton pads for make-up or swiping the face with toner. They were a great recommendation.
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I was hanging out with a crazy Brit named George when I first had the idea of the bookii. I had been working on writing a book and was finding it incredibly 2 dimensional. I wanted multiple topics and more visual than I could accomplish in print. I wanted my reader to be able to explore my book rather than reading it one page...
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A couple of mornings ago we were all hanging around in the kitchen during breakfast and my son Xander said, “I don’t want you guys to ever get divorced.” He has been asking questions lately about step-parents and would he ever have step-parents and I know his little brain is trying to figure it all out. My...
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Emerson drew this picture and brought it home. I thought it should be on my bookii. It is just great...
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I felt so incredibly free. I can’t tell you the last time I was on vacation by myself in a city other than my own. It was an explorer’s dream.
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The next day I was looking in the mirror feeling disappointed in myself. I actually, really looked at my face in the mirror and I realized I didn’t want to be the person who was afraid to explore the world in any way I chose.
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