One Day in the Closet

Jul 15, 13 One Day in the Closet

Posted by in Mel & Me

After deciding to try being in a relationship with Mel, I had to try to figure out how I wanted to “be” in the relationship. I know the rules are different for us, but I didn’t know how I wanted to “be” with those rules. Also, we were in a new relationship and I wasn’t ready to tell everyone I...

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Transgender Pronouns

Question:  When you write, you always use “he” when you write about Mel.  Shouldn’t you use “she” before Mel transitioned and “he” after? Anonymous Answer: First of all, thanks for asking.  There was a moment in time when we actually changed pronouns.  I designed this with Mel’s...

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Mel and The Crucible Bookii: More Like Oprah and Less Like Jerry Springer

Jun 10, 13 Mel and The Crucible Bookii:  More Like Oprah and Less Like Jerry Springer

Posted by in Ask Me Anything, Free, Mel & Me, Our Story

A friend was over today and asked him just this question. I was also curious about his answer.

He said he felt vulnerable and exposed and a little nervous. He talked about the difference between Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey. We asked him what he meant.

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“So, How Did You Meet Your Husband?”

Mar 01, 13 “So, How Did You Meet Your Husband?”

Posted by in Featured, Free, Mel & Me, Our Story, Podcasts

The next day I was looking in the mirror feeling disappointed in myself. I actually, really looked at my face in the mirror and I realized I didn’t want to be the person who was afraid to explore the world in any way I chose.

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